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Offering Programs and Individual EFT Coaching Sessions for a wide variety of concerns such as negative self-talk, sadness from past and present events, self-defeating behaviors, cravings.


In addition to providing one-on-one coaching using EFT, I have developed a unique program that focuses on the challenges facing parents of children who have become addicted to drugs.  This program focuses on helping you, the parent, to regain your life and help you deal with the reality of your situation.


Are you anxious, fearful and depressed about your addicted child?  Are you losing sleep?  Does it feel like your own life is passing you by?  Does your heart race every time the phone rings? Does it seem like you can hardly breathe let alone deal with what used to be the simple tasks of daily life?

​I may be able to help.


I have developed a step-by-step program to learn to navigate this exhausting and seemingly hopeless challenge.  I have designed a series of sessions designed to empower you with tools to release emotional stress, and guide you in creating purposefulness in your life. By first alleviating some of the fear and disappointment, this course will enable you to build up the strength to handle the challenges that come with loving an addict.


Click for information

Exclusive provider:

Purposeful Empowerment for Parents of Addicted Individuals

is a guided program that includes EFT* (Tapping).

In it I help parents with real proven tools to resolve emotional pain and improve your quality of life.


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Penny Stoever

EFT* and Matrix Reimprinting.

*Emotional Freedom Techniques uses gentle tapping on certain points on the body while recalling emotional triggers. It is extremely effective in helping the tapper reduce or resolve distress, both recent and past.  Matrix Reimprinting is a powerful new technology that allows the client to visit their old memories to help reshape their reactions to familiar negative triggers in their life. Penny guides and teaches clients in the use of EFT and MR to alleviate guilt, fear, and other negative emotions that interfere with successful daily life.

Make Your Life


Learn to use Emotional Freedom Techniques to release inner demons, reduce chronic pain, improve relationships at work and at home.  Let me also show you how we can use Matrix Reimprinting to change your outlook on life by working with old memories.

Deal with

Extreme Adversity

Learn strategies for dealing with a loved one's addiction while improving your day-to-day reactions to all kinds of challenges.  The first thing to do is to reduce our emotional responses so that we can take thoughtful actions.

One particular childhood incident kept popping up in my memory when different events in my adult life brought on uncomfortable and unhappy feelings.  I decided to address it head-on in a tapping session with Penny.  The session was amazing due to Penny’s intuitive and empirical expertise, and her talent with EFT.  I not only cleared up the mystery of the significance of the childhood incident, I had a major cognitive shift in the way I saw, and in the way I now see and handle similar situations.  The feeling of being cleared of what had weighed on me for so long made me joyful.  -- C

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